Know the Benefits of Cannabis

What do the current medical laws sweeping the country mean? How do they work? Contrary to the opinion of many, not just anyone can get medicinal cannabis . According to these new state laws, you must have at least one illness on a specific list of conditions and this must be diagnosed by a real doctor who recommends cannabis as an appropriate medication. The doctor provides the patients with a written recommendation that it will alleviate the symptoms of their condition. Patients then have several options open to them depending on which state's laws they live under. The first option in many states is to simply take the letter of recommendation from your doctor to a medical marijuana dispensary. They will most likely keep a copy of your letter on file and then you can purchase your prescription pot from this dispensary from that point on. If you need to move or buy them from another location, you need only have the doctor's note with you. The next option is for ...